Thursday, January 8, 2009

Well, Christmas is over... a new year is beginning...resolutions are being made...One of my resolutions this time around is to keep a blog of all the photography news that is happening for me and my business, Sarah Knights Photography.

Next week, I'm going to the SWPP Convention in London, so I'm hoping to come back brimming with ideas and new skills.  I'm working towards my Associateship qualification and I'm currently between two modules of a course which is hopefully going to help me get this coverted prize.

We must have taken several specific type of photos for the next module so at the moment, I'm concentrating on those - window light, topshade, tilts etc.  I'm getting there but need more models!

I feel there may be a need for a female photographer who does female 'How to Look Good Naked' shots .... I've had several enquiries and I'm beginning to think I may have an advantage over your average male photographer - people often refer to the fact that I'm a woman and that their girlfriend/wife would only feel comfortable with a woman.  Gok Wan is no threat I feel!  So - I'm going to pursue this line and see where it leads me.  I'm beginning to experiment - I'm hoping to create attractive fine-art type photographs, not tacky so-called 'glamour' shots.

Watch this space!

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