Friday, January 23, 2009

Inspiration and news....

I went to the SWPP convention as planned last week and came back with lots of new ideas and inspiration.  It's great to be with other people who all share the same passion.  You can learn so much from just chatting to people.

I attended several seminars; I found one in particular very good.  It was given by a fashion photographer who just simply showed us some of his shots and explained how he did it.  He was very modest about his great photos and he really made me want to be as good as him!

I'm in the process of setting up a system so that I can sell some photos online; I think this is great for people far away but I still value the human contact side of photography.  I like to sit and review shots with people and show them all the different options.

At the convention I came across a fantastic framing company and I feel this is the way I would like to present my work in the future.  Their framing was so impressive and I feel this would take my photography to another level.  It's expensive but, you get what you pay for in this line of business.

I've also invested quite a bit of money in some new advertising; I'm hoping to be inundated with enquiries!

I've been offered a kind of stall in our local town of Cirencester and I'm thinking of giving it a go; there's nothing like face to face contact to get yourself known.  Will let you know how it goes.